Season 2 Episode #10 | Kyle Schnitz & Jake Rickard

Following Jesus, One Step at a Time

Hear from our partners in Mexico, Indiana at Community Church, Kyle Schnitz, Senior Pastor, and Jake Rickard, Associate Pastor.  This church has been assembling cross messages with us for several years.  We’ve been blessed to even bring the ministry to them in Mexico!  They are here at our facility monthly, and we love their heart for their community.

Community Church has grown from an average attendance of 30 to 170 on any given Sunday.  Kyle & Jake both have a heart for smaller churches.  Having previously worked in larger church settings before serving in Mexico and Indiana, they both agree the same applies to cultivating relationships.  They both have found success in offering opportunities to worship vertically and fellowship horizontally to have a healthy church that feels connected.

Learn more about their church family in Mexico, Indiana online

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You can find Kyle and Jake on Facebook too



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