Season 2 Episode #3 | Jeff Harlow

Honoring His Heritage and Impacting the Future

A conversation with Jeff where we were looking back and looking forward.  Jeff has been stewarding what has been passed on to him and honoring his heritage by listening to God first and honoring him.  God has orchestrated and ordained his steps from a young age when we met his wife, Becky, received God’s call on his life and walked boldly on the path that God ordered in his life, and is still mapping out the future.

His family farm is 8 generations deep and provides fertile soil for Jeff and his family to lean into their heritage on this earth and the foundation.  Discussing seeds, plant life, and farming is a natural tie into our conversation today!

A firm foundation and connection to all the parts of his life that paints a beautiful image of God’s plan for his life. Raised in a church in Tipton County, at Rock Prairie church a daughter church of Oakford Baptist. Jeff pastored for 38 years at Crossroads Church, the second-oldest church in Howard County!  Established in 1847 and was formerly known as Oakford Baptist until 2003.   Named after the physical location ‘at the crossroads of State Road 26 and 931’.

As God shapes us, He knows what he is aiming for. God was putting it all together, he is a designer. He has a pattern, and we ARE his masterpiece.  He does the first part with our personality, and the nature and nurture part including our family background and heritage shapes us, but the primary stroke requires that we yield our life to Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to indwell in us.

Ephesians 2:10 “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Psalm 139: 15-16 “When my bones were being formed, carefully put together in my mother’s womb, when I was growing there in secret, you knew that I was there— you saw me before I was born. “

Another generational farm family that is honoring their heritage. Jeffs’s grandfather wisely told him, “One of the most valuable things you have is your name.  Guard your name.”  What a lesson this was and carried weight with Jeff his entire life.

Books that Jeff has written.

DANCING WITH CINDERELLA  (Secession planning for pastors)

THE SACRED SWITCH (A subtle shift from grabbing to giving)

ACT 3 (the ministry mentioned and shared in part 2 of this podcast)



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