Episode #18 | Kyle Condon

Bridging the gap between sports and Christ

God called and ordained Kyle’s steps in Sports, Stats and the Biblical teaching leading him to a role working in ministry.  A former college golfer for Grace College https://www.grace.edu/.  A decision that led him down a road to the path he is on today in his career with the F.C.A.  Currently, he is the area director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (F.C.A.) https://www.fca.org/

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.” ~ Psalm 37:23

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”~ Psalm 19:14

Great idea of the day.   Write a Bible verse on your ball when you golf to mark your ball!

Ways to engage with the FCA. Celebration of Champions with special guests, Aidan & Jael O’Connell, former Purdue FCA student leaders.  Sponsor to attend this event by going online https://mcindianafca.org/champions . Happening on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 at Cross America, 6:30 – 8:30.

You can support Kyle by visiting my.fca.org/kylecondon

Kyle and Sarah Condon can be reached at kcondon@fca.org or scondon@fac.org 765.437.3228

Act 3 Ministry https://www.act3ministry.com/

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